Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Pratham Software

Pratham Software

Round I:
  1. What is a controller in spring MVC?
  2. Where is the mapping for a controller?
  3. In which files is the controller?
  4. What are the annotations used in a controller?
  5. How does AJAX calls hit the controller?
  6. How does the controller decide which view to show for which method?
    Talking about web.xml in any of the above questions did not cut any ice. He was expecting something very different.
  7. Can you write business logic in controller?
  8. Controller, controller, controllercontrollercontroller and more controller.
    This guy was totally obsessed with controller.
  9. Execution process of a hit in spring MVC.
  10. How does a Dispatcher Servlet work?
  11. What do you know about JavaScript and JQuery?
  12. What are the various objects involved in a JavaScript?
  13. Difference between a SOAP and REST call?
  14. What is a WSDL?
  15. What is the full form of WSDL?
All this and lot more about web services, spring MVC and dear ol' controller.

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